
The Pain of Being Misunderstood

Being you is sometimes harder than we think because being you means you have to work harder at showing your true self. In the effort of allowing yourself to be seen you may end up exerting energy that does not resonate with who you truly are just so you can feel like you have achieved the point of proving yourself to another.

What is really happening?

What is happening is someone has come into your grounds and made you see something about yourself and either they placed shame upon you or your placed shame upon yourself. You opened up a door that says, Im really not great at what it is Im trying to do here, but I want to prove to myself and to others that I can do them regardless of what they look like.

You begin to move, think, and act out of ego activity. You want to prove a point to someone because you feel that at that point you will have done justice to all that you are and spark an ounce of celebration. Even your sense of pride is lowered because your opportunity for celebrating all of who you are has been diminished.

Why are you letting all of yourself get lost and caught up in what someone else thinks about the person you are? SELF WORTH!

What happens when we lose our self worth?

In losing our self worth you now become prey to those around you to do as they please with you. They can manipulate anything you do or say and cause you to feel less about yourself. You become less and less of who you really are…well at least it will seem like you become less of who you are, but really you just ignore who you really are. It’s rejecting yourself.

Emotional detachment to Yourself

The pain of rejecting yourself starts growing deeper and deeper and before you know you have become numb. You no longer have emotions, neither good nor bad. Just numbness. You no longer know what to do with yourself. The pain takes a toll on the mind and body to just shut down. It no longer serves you. All inner motivation goes away and nothing anyone says can change what you are experiencing in that time.

The pain is deep!

So how do you move from this place? 

During this time it is best to rest as much as possible. Lots of breathing exercises for the mind and body can help bring you back to center. Listening to music is great to adjust your vibration but it depends on the type of music you listen to. If you listen to music that sounds like death that is the type of feeling you will get. If you listen to music that is lively and feels alive that is the feeling you will get. It may not happen instantly while numb, but keep the music going to stay revived.

Being alone during this time is really not a good idea. Your sense of self will have dissapted making it hard to break out. A lot of who one overcomes this feeling is the spirit of their inner most being. So easily people in this state fall into drugs, alcohol, or even worse-suicide. However, from personal experience I’ve never fallen into any of these although I had a feeling of not wanting to be here on this earth any longer.

What kept me alive and away from self harm was the spirit of God within me. Since my inner most being just knew that deep down, even further down than I could feel , knew I deserved more. That inner voice.

So when you really listen to what your soul speaks to you, especially in desperate times, you can truly allow all that does not line up with who you are to fall away because no longer can you hold the vibration of what others believe of you in a state of numbness. You become neutral. So now its a conscious choice to change what you believe about yourself.

It is there in the conscious choice that you an begin a new thing..a new life…and now become understood.


If you have further questions about finding yourself contact me via facebook. Join my facebook group:


Aleshia Green

The Battle Cry: Love Hidden




Allowing room for you…how do you do that?

I’ve always given myself to everyone and everything and there is no room for me because everyone else takes of me. There’s no way I have room for me. There are just too many things that need done and too many people that need me.

WELL!! And so it will be…RIGHT?!

When you are needed it may feel like you are fulfilling a purpose and doing your life’s work caring and managing all of life’s task such as giving your time and feeding the kids and significant other. You also add in friends, other close family, your kids teachers, neighbors, or your community friends into the mix and now you are overspent on your energy and there is nothing left of you.

So now what? How do you replace that energy?

I can’t because the day starts over AGAIN doing the same thing over and over.

So the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again.

Why can’t I remove this insanity and anxiety that sucks me dry everyday? This happens at the rate of what I will call: SUBCONSCIOUS LIFE GETS YOU TRAPPED!

We so desperately seek to please the world by overdoing everything around us to feel this sense of completion..a sense of success. But is it really success? Or failure to give your all?


It is so critical to find that space, that heart, that mind, that body, and that soul that feeds all of WHO YOU ARE! Once you get to this space there is an amount of confidence, self respect, and love that carries you to attract and repel what you really need to see or have.

People will see your best side and know that something is up with this person who just caught my attention. It magically happens and you don’t have to put forth EXTRA energy that drains you from pushing yourself onto someone else. You can even push yourselves onto your kids. So this statement isn’t just about forcing another individual to love you, but about anybody who could be impacted by your energy.

Our energy that we release comes from the inner self..the way you carry yourself because of how you feel about yourself on the inside. You cannot possibly get back what you are seeking if you don’t first find it.

Sound contradictory hunh?

See, when you find something outside yourself that you enjoy what happens is  you don’t truly this is something that YOU can have, so you instill this belief on yourself that it only sounds good in the moment. You are unable to carry that energy as an uplifting energy from one moment to the next. It only became a placebo pill. That thing that gave you a quick fix. This is how you land with your tail end up and tears falling with no one to call on for help.

There is something so much deeper we lose about ourselves. We get lost in the mix of thinking we are fixing our entire lives however we lie so much without realizing it and become our own culprit. Can you believe that? Would you accept this?

You gotta get to this point first of accepting what needs changing in order to build a plan to move forward.

Find your way back home. You may need someone to help you in this because looking from your own perspective can make you blind. Allowing someone else to look into your window may help clear the window more.

That’s what I’m here for. I have been helping people get clarity in many situations for a couple years now and they always find the time I spent with them a life changing moment that helps them push past the barriers.

Allow me to work with you to clear the road so you can drive. I won’t do the driving for you…that’s so that you can have all the freedom to travel anywhere you want.

Let’s journey together. You can find me in the facebook group here for a session:



Moving in Time to Change

There’s a lil known theory that time is relevant or that time does not exist. In either theory how would you make a decision or shift your reality to become as you will to live differently? How would this impact your choices in changing something for the better?

Does better living need time to be better?

Or, does time need better living to be better?


You see, it’s a matter of the mind..a meeting of the minds if you will. This journey back to self love is challenging and factors such as time and better living can truly impact your choices, IF you allow them to.

Not having options is where life takes a hold of you.

Will you allow silence to decide for you? Well, depends on the silence and where it came from. Your silence could be a meditative type of silence which brings you answers at times you may not have thought of. Your silence could also play a role in letting you just sit and get nowhere. Being stagnant means you really are stuck.

Stuck in Fear!!

It’s the fear that over runs us and unleashes our inner most threats on our lives. It tells us lies that we will never be worthy enough or good enough and that moving forward is simply a waste of time.

The truth is, moving forward with negative energy is a waste of time. Although you can still move forward with negative energy, you can still hold space in the NOW and be present while using negative energy, however, it’s how you handle the negative energy both during and after the fact. Will you let it eat you alive? Or will you use it as leverage in your own thought process while climbing mountains?

Turn your negative energy into your very own Teacher!

When you can begin to observe all that you say, think, or do, you then become present and can either act on what you say, think, or do, or simply observe with notes for later. That was a long sentence btw. LOL

The point is, no matter if your journey consists of negative energy, like turning back the hands of time, or if you look forward to a new time, change is always constant. It truly is the change you want to be and see that helps you attune to the positive energy both inside and around you. So when you are ready to make this change it will need energy….and how you use that energy with time will become relevant to the outcome.

It is better to just simply stay present with whatever you are doing. Time can change, and you can change time going forward. SEE??!!

How do you want to be the change? In TIME? or In NOW?



Aleshia Green

The Battle Cry: Love Hidden

Join my FB group:


Forgetting Yourself Rejects All There Is

You have run empty, dry, and exhausted, yet you constantly look yet again to the world around you feeling disconnected from all there is because everything seems gone. You lash or grow numb depending on your personality and you cant quite figure out why you got to this point. Surely, you have done all you can, given your all and done for others where the return should come back to you, but something is missing. You receive nothing back. You fight, kick, and scream thinking you know you deserve more. Of course you do.

But something is still missing!

Really? How can that be? I know I did everything possible for everyone and myself.

You Forgot You!

It is called a Double Reflection, four walls bouncing back at you while you fall down or jump up avoiding it. Everything is pointing back to you, but its fear making you refuse to look at yourself. That’s understandable because it is pressure coming back at you from all angles pushing you down with force.

You avoid the connection to yourself unconsciously and you find it difficult to see. There is truth to all that you are telling yourself, but it is false truth. You go in circles believing everything, every word, every thought that tells you it is so, but as long as you keep doing this the truth about yourself cannot be seen.

Rejection to yourself goes really deep. It eats at your core and drives all your behavior in the wrong direction to what you really want. The directions you go seem right, because they are made unconsciously and with less resistance. It is when we go into conscious choice making that the resistance builds because of fear.  We want so bad to operate in our truth, but we are scared.

Scared of What?

Scared of something that has happened to you to reappear. You know you have control over it by avoiding it, so you do everything BUT what will push you past it. This gives you sense that you are thinking right, but defense mechanisms begin to trigger at this point and looking out at everyone else allows you to become a victim to what happened to you instead of staying in your power, your truth. Truth being that you are not owned by this event.

Do you realize this means you reject yourself, rejecting all there is? If everything is about everything or everyone else, then who is this person reading this post and why are they reading it? The forgotten person maybe? Can you be forgotten?

Only if you forget you will you be forgotten. The soft voice that no one hears. The screams in the dark cold forest that is abandoned to the forest animals. The whisper that blows in the wind that reaches nobody. These voices are you.

…and you know what? These voices are BEAUTIFUL. They are YOU. BEAUTY!!

Well how can that be so? I know I voiced myself……

BUT you never were heard dear one. You yourself did not hear YOU, your voice.

The moment you hear yourself, you wake up to yourself…kinda like snoring too loud…haha..yes I had to put that in there. Have you ever done that? Snored so loud you woke yourself? That’s the beauty of good sleep. 😉

It’s time to Wake up my dear to the sound of YOUR voice. Come alive and be all that you turned away from. This is when you can begin to dance in the rain.

Take it to the streets and dance for you deserve to accept you! The soul needs accepting. Be the soul. Be all there is to be, for the soul. The soul is beautiful and pure.

Remember yourself to accept yourself!






The Battle Cry: What’s Not Heard, is LOVE!

Hello 😉 Hello LOVE!

We can all start with a greeting to ourselves, for Love accepts and communicates without judgement. It’s how we choose ourselves that changes how we view LOVE.

The Battle Cry launch began because deep within I have always known something that many rejected me for…and it took me a very long time to understand…33 years to be exact..and I’ll be 34 in 2017. I ventured many routes in my short, but seemingly long life, and always HEARD that cry within myself and others that they did not know how to voice. I myself find that it is hard to voice as well and I found outlets to express myself but I still felt I needed more to be in the fulfillment of being heard. But the truth is, LOVE just is…it has its own voice in just BE-ING.

Well how does this “BE-ING” allow me to be heard?

You see, people get it all wrong and twisted. People are judged by words, actions, or lack thereof….and MANY times, education falls short of LOVE and causing confusion in ones seeking to LOVE and BE LOVED. There’s no knowledge that can express just is. It is the guidance through the confusion, tornadoes, and destruction that reveal LOVE. Guidance means there must be a leader and follower, however, one is not greater than the other. The follower can be the teacher at the same time as the leader. Parents can notice they learn something from their child(ren) and it inspires them to adore their children. This builds their excitement for the child’s purpose in their life, however the LOVE remains the same. It may feel like you fall more in love, however, the Love is deep no matter what you experience. It is just a willingness to dive more into it.

As I grew my into challenging life times, including being separated from my children while seeking to keep them together, it caught me off-guard, but something within gave me the confidence to know that all is well. It hurts no doubt to experience this loss of physically being without your children. I broke down at work a few times because I was working two jobs, working so hard, yet never got to see my kids and I fell apart. I’m thankful for co-workers at the time that caught my fall because I could not do a single thing more that day until I released that. It’s this very thing…the RELEASE… that allows us to heal whatever is holding us hostage to our pain.

When people began RELEASING the pain in ways that are not favorable or do not match another’s form of release or if it affects their current environment, this is where people began falling into the BATTLE CRY. The one hurting wants the LOVE to surface and be felt, but its buried under all the pain. People don’t like pain. So the battle starts here.  People get sent in all directions in life, pushing people into others to deal with problems they either cannot handle or choose not to and the pain gets deeper because the one’s you are connected to reject us the most.

This is where the BATTLE CRY purpose was felt and destined to form an outreach to help.

The purpose is to help people discover that pain that exist instead of attacking the person, whether that is yourself, or an outsider.

The Goal: to rebuild families from the outside-in, inside-out so LOVE itself can exist and do the work it was designed to do naturally. Families coming together is necessary to help heal this planet, and my goal is family focused. It doesn’t matter what angle I work with with, for God gives us abundance, so there many ways to work through anything. The most important thing to realize is that YOU are more than you know and when you accept YOU, then anything can happen with YOU.