Forgetting Yourself Rejects All There Is

You have run empty, dry, and exhausted, yet you constantly look yet again to the world around you feeling disconnected from all there is because everything seems gone. You lash or grow numb depending on your personality and you cant quite figure out why you got to this point. Surely, you have done all you can, given your all and done for others where the return should come back to you, but something is missing. You receive nothing back. You fight, kick, and scream thinking you know you deserve more. Of course you do.

But something is still missing!

Really? How can that be? I know I did everything possible for everyone and myself.

You Forgot You!

It is called a Double Reflection, four walls bouncing back at you while you fall down or jump up avoiding it. Everything is pointing back to you, but its fear making you refuse to look at yourself. That’s understandable because it is pressure coming back at you from all angles pushing you down with force.

You avoid the connection to yourself unconsciously and you find it difficult to see. There is truth to all that you are telling yourself, but it is false truth. You go in circles believing everything, every word, every thought that tells you it is so, but as long as you keep doing this the truth about yourself cannot be seen.

Rejection to yourself goes really deep. It eats at your core and drives all your behavior in the wrong direction to what you really want. The directions you go seem right, because they are made unconsciously and with less resistance. It is when we go into conscious choice making that the resistance builds because of fear.  We want so bad to operate in our truth, but we are scared.

Scared of What?

Scared of something that has happened to you to reappear. You know you have control over it by avoiding it, so you do everything BUT what will push you past it. This gives you sense that you are thinking right, but defense mechanisms begin to trigger at this point and looking out at everyone else allows you to become a victim to what happened to you instead of staying in your power, your truth. Truth being that you are not owned by this event.

Do you realize this means you reject yourself, rejecting all there is? If everything is about everything or everyone else, then who is this person reading this post and why are they reading it? The forgotten person maybe? Can you be forgotten?

Only if you forget you will you be forgotten. The soft voice that no one hears. The screams in the dark cold forest that is abandoned to the forest animals. The whisper that blows in the wind that reaches nobody. These voices are you.

…and you know what? These voices are BEAUTIFUL. They are YOU. BEAUTY!!

Well how can that be so? I know I voiced myself……

BUT you never were heard dear one. You yourself did not hear YOU, your voice.

The moment you hear yourself, you wake up to yourself…kinda like snoring too loud…haha..yes I had to put that in there. Have you ever done that? Snored so loud you woke yourself? That’s the beauty of good sleep. 😉

It’s time to Wake up my dear to the sound of YOUR voice. Come alive and be all that you turned away from. This is when you can begin to dance in the rain.

Take it to the streets and dance for you deserve to accept you! The soul needs accepting. Be the soul. Be all there is to be, for the soul. The soul is beautiful and pure.

Remember yourself to accept yourself!






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