Allowing room for you…how do you do that?

I’ve always given myself to everyone and everything and there is no room for me because everyone else takes of me. There’s no way I have room for me. There are just too many things that need done and too many people that need me.

WELL!! And so it will be…RIGHT?!

When you are needed it may feel like you are fulfilling a purpose and doing your life’s work caring and managing all of life’s task such as giving your time and feeding the kids and significant other. You also add in friends, other close family, your kids teachers, neighbors, or your community friends into the mix and now you are overspent on your energy and there is nothing left of you.

So now what? How do you replace that energy?

I can’t because the day starts over AGAIN doing the same thing over and over.

So the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again.

Why can’t I remove this insanity and anxiety that sucks me dry everyday? This happens at the rate of what I will call: SUBCONSCIOUS LIFE GETS YOU TRAPPED!

We so desperately seek to please the world by overdoing everything around us to feel this sense of completion..a sense of success. But is it really success? Or failure to give your all?


It is so critical to find that space, that heart, that mind, that body, and that soul that feeds all of WHO YOU ARE! Once you get to this space there is an amount of confidence, self respect, and love that carries you to attract and repel what you really need to see or have.

People will see your best side and know that something is up with this person who just caught my attention. It magically happens and you don’t have to put forth EXTRA energy that drains you from pushing yourself onto someone else. You can even push yourselves onto your kids. So this statement isn’t just about forcing another individual to love you, but about anybody who could be impacted by your energy.

Our energy that we release comes from the inner self..the way you carry yourself because of how you feel about yourself on the inside. You cannot possibly get back what you are seeking if you don’t first find it.

Sound contradictory hunh?

See, when you find something outside yourself that you enjoy what happens is  you don’t truly this is something that YOU can have, so you instill this belief on yourself that it only sounds good in the moment. You are unable to carry that energy as an uplifting energy from one moment to the next. It only became a placebo pill. That thing that gave you a quick fix. This is how you land with your tail end up and tears falling with no one to call on for help.

There is something so much deeper we lose about ourselves. We get lost in the mix of thinking we are fixing our entire lives however we lie so much without realizing it and become our own culprit. Can you believe that? Would you accept this?

You gotta get to this point first of accepting what needs changing in order to build a plan to move forward.

Find your way back home. You may need someone to help you in this because looking from your own perspective can make you blind. Allowing someone else to look into your window may help clear the window more.

That’s what I’m here for. I have been helping people get clarity in many situations for a couple years now and they always find the time I spent with them a life changing moment that helps them push past the barriers.

Allow me to work with you to clear the road so you can drive. I won’t do the driving for you…that’s so that you can have all the freedom to travel anywhere you want.

Let’s journey together. You can find me in the facebook group here for a session:



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