The Pain of Being Misunderstood

Being you is sometimes harder than we think because being you means you have to work harder at showing your true self. In the effort of allowing yourself to be seen you may end up exerting energy that does not resonate with who you truly are just so you can feel like you have achieved the point of proving yourself to another.

What is really happening?

What is happening is someone has come into your grounds and made you see something about yourself and either they placed shame upon you or your placed shame upon yourself. You opened up a door that says, Im really not great at what it is Im trying to do here, but I want to prove to myself and to others that I can do them regardless of what they look like.

You begin to move, think, and act out of ego activity. You want to prove a point to someone because you feel that at that point you will have done justice to all that you are and spark an ounce of celebration. Even your sense of pride is lowered because your opportunity for celebrating all of who you are has been diminished.

Why are you letting all of yourself get lost and caught up in what someone else thinks about the person you are? SELF WORTH!

What happens when we lose our self worth?

In losing our self worth you now become prey to those around you to do as they please with you. They can manipulate anything you do or say and cause you to feel less about yourself. You become less and less of who you really are…well at least it will seem like you become less of who you are, but really you just ignore who you really are. It’s rejecting yourself.

Emotional detachment to Yourself

The pain of rejecting yourself starts growing deeper and deeper and before you know you have become numb. You no longer have emotions, neither good nor bad. Just numbness. You no longer know what to do with yourself. The pain takes a toll on the mind and body to just shut down. It no longer serves you. All inner motivation goes away and nothing anyone says can change what you are experiencing in that time.

The pain is deep!

So how do you move from this place? 

During this time it is best to rest as much as possible. Lots of breathing exercises for the mind and body can help bring you back to center. Listening to music is great to adjust your vibration but it depends on the type of music you listen to. If you listen to music that sounds like death that is the type of feeling you will get. If you listen to music that is lively and feels alive that is the feeling you will get. It may not happen instantly while numb, but keep the music going to stay revived.

Being alone during this time is really not a good idea. Your sense of self will have dissapted making it hard to break out. A lot of who one overcomes this feeling is the spirit of their inner most being. So easily people in this state fall into drugs, alcohol, or even worse-suicide. However, from personal experience I’ve never fallen into any of these although I had a feeling of not wanting to be here on this earth any longer.

What kept me alive and away from self harm was the spirit of God within me. Since my inner most being just knew that deep down, even further down than I could feel , knew I deserved more. That inner voice.

So when you really listen to what your soul speaks to you, especially in desperate times, you can truly allow all that does not line up with who you are to fall away because no longer can you hold the vibration of what others believe of you in a state of numbness. You become neutral. So now its a conscious choice to change what you believe about yourself.

It is there in the conscious choice that you an begin a new thing..a new life…and now become understood.


If you have further questions about finding yourself contact me via facebook. Join my facebook group:


Aleshia Green

The Battle Cry: Love Hidden



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